FJA@JAM2017 > Discussion
Moderators: Aurélie CLODIC, Tamara LORENZ, Laurel RIEK, Michael RICHARDSON
With the help of the audience, we have discussed of interesting research questions for the future as well as tasks and measures that need to be developped.
Research questions: How to look for creativity in HRI? Individual differences - how to account? What about context detection, social context - situated affordances? Social ethics/value injection? how? (dilemna ethics) Uncanny Valley - just for appearance or also for the behavior? Limits/Spectrum of naturalness, what makes interaction? How does robot appearance affect trust? how do we change ourselves to accommodate robots? => how to make them more flexible? Which human cognition models could we implement in a robot? What about language coordination? How to consider joint action toward language (e.g. regarding developmental psychology - motor babbling) Humans vs robots (is it meaningful to have robots acting sub-optimally?) Compensatory action Hatpics: how do we react to a robot that we have an haptic interaction with? Question of the embodiment? can we test in which case an avatar could be enough instead of an embodied robot Bi-directional vs uni-directional coupling
Interesting tasks: Lego building Table carrying - with varying difficulties Imitation task - obsering/mimicking (is observer uncanny?) Mirror task Coordination task Collaborative cooking Playing music Collaborative ping-pong Laundry Shared space tasks (e.g. tangram (with magnet ?)) Line dancing Capture the flag Twister Haptic guidance (Bar escort) Nerf war
Measures: Psychophysics (e.g. weighting of different objects, etc.) Agency (how to find a good measure of robot agentivity) Surveys Test in real environment / double tennis / air hockey