FJA@ROMAN2016 > Call for Papers

It is interesting to observe, from a roboticist point of view, that human-human joint action is a topic of intense research in cognitive psychology and philosophy. This observation led us to implement a multi-disciplinary initiative to create a unique opportunity for scientific exchange through a series of workshops called "toward a Framework for Joint Action" ( Psychologists and philosophers can present recent developments in joint action research, while roboticists are able to discuss the challenges they face with regard to human-robot interaction and more precisely human-robot joint activity.

During this fifth edition, we will study the common ground needed around joint action execution, its components, its representation and installation and the way it evolves during joint action (e.g. alignment and coordination issues).

Invited speakers 

Herbert Clark (Stanford University, USA)
Tamara Lorenz (Univ of Cincinnati, USA)

Call for extended abstracts

We invite the submission of extended abstracts (up to 4 pages). It does not need to be a new contribution to the field but it needs to be relevant to the workshop, i.e. the common ground needed around joint action establishment and execution, its components, its installation and the way to model it in a human-robot context as well as the evolution of common ground during joint action execution and particularly coordination and alignment issues that need to be taken into account.

The overall aim of this workshop is to determine what information needs to be shared between human and robot and how a common basis between human and robot can be achieved in order to enable smooth human-robot joint action.

List of topics

Common ground needed for joint action and its management
Joint goal establishment and negotiation
Planning to achieve joint goals
Joint goal / joint action description and modelling
Joint goal / joint action execution, monitoring, turn-taking and timing management
Skills for collaborative task achievement
Agents world modelling and management
Agents commitment
Communication during joint action

Important dates

Workshop: August 27th

Online user: 61