Aurélie Clodic ( is a Research Engineer at LAAS-‐CNRS. She received a PhD in robotics in 2007 for which she elaborated and implemented ingredients for human-‐robot joint activity in several contexts (robot guide in a museum, robotic assistant in the framework of the Cogniron project). Her research interest includes human-‐robot collaborative task achievement as well as robotics architecture design (focused on decision-‐making and supervision) dedicated to HRI.
Cordula Vesper ( is a post-‐doctoral researcher at the Department of Cognitive Science at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. Her research interests include various aspects of human social interaction with a special focus on temporal and spatial real-‐time coordination which she investigates experimentally using movement tracking, EEG, reaction time and variability analyses. Cordula has a background in Cognitive Science (B.Sc., University of Osnabrück, Germany) and Neuro-‐cognitive Psychology (M.Sc., Ludwig--Maximilians-‐University, Munich, Germany) and received a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Rachid Alami ( is Senior Scientist at CNRS. He is currently the head of the Robotics and Articifial Intelligence Department at LAAS. He contributed and took important responsabilities in several national, european and international research and/or collaborative projects (incl. IST FP6: COMETS, COGNIRON, URUS, PHRIENDS; IST FP7: CHRIS, SAPHARI, SPENCER). His main research contributions fall in the fields of Robot Architectures, Task and motion planning, multi-‐robot cooperation, and human-‐robot interaction.
Elisabeth Pacherie ( (Directeur de Recherche, CNRS) is a philosopher of mind and action and the leader of the "Agency" team at Institut Jean Nicod. Her major contributions relevant to the present project include the development of a dynamic theory of intentions closely linking philosophical theorizing and empirical models of action specification and control and the development of an influential conceptual framework for the investigation of the phenomenology of agency. Her recent work extends this approach to the domain of joint action.
Bilge Mutlu ( is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Psychology, and Industrial Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the director of the Wisconsin Human-‐Computer Interaction Laboratory. He received my PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University‘s Human-‐Computer Interaction Institute. His research program builds human-‐centered methods and principles for designing robotic technologies that help people communicate, work, and pursue personal goals and draws on a transdisciplinary design research process that combines aspects of design, computer science, and social and cognitive sciences.
Julie Shah ( is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT and leads the Interactive Robotics Group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Shah received her SB (2004) and SM (2006) from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, and her PhD (2010) in Autonomous Systems from MIT. Before joining the faculty, she worked at Boeing Research and Technology on robotics applications for aerospace manufacturing. Shah is the recipient of a 2014 NSF CAREER Award, and her work was recognized by the Technology Review as one of the 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2013.