FJA@HRI2015 > Program





9h-9h15 Welcome



Planning in the we-mode

Raul Hakli

Department of Culture and Society - Department of Philosophy, Aarhus, Denmark


10h-10h30 coffee break



Building Joint-Action Mechanisms for Robots: 
A Progress Report

Bilge Mutlu

Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA



The role of interdependence in joint human-machine interaction

Jeffrey Bradshaw

Florida Institute of Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), Pensacola, FL, USA


12h-13h Lunch



Did you Mean this Object?: Detecting Ambiguity in Pointing Gesture Targets

Akansel Cosgun, Alexander Trevor, Henrik Christensen

Georgia Institute of Technology  (GATECH), Atlanta, USA



Analyzing the Effects of Human-Aware Motion Planning on Close-Proximity Human-Robot Collaboration

Przemyslaw A. Lasota and Julie A. Shah

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts



In Preparation for Joint Action

Susan L. Epstein, Matthew Evanusa and Anoop Aroor

Hunter College and The Graduate Center of The City University of New York  (CUNY) 



Designing for Ease of Collaborative Effort in Human-Robot Joint Action

Kerstin Fischer, Lars Jensen, Franziska Kirstein

University of Southern Denmark  (SDU)



Social Analysis for the design of joint action: towards a methodology

Frank Dignum  1, Virginia Dignum  2, Catholijn Jonker

1 : Utrecht University - UU (NETHERLANDS)  (UU) 2 : Delft University of Technology [[Delft]  (TUD)  -


15h-15h30 Coffee Break



Panel Discussion 

chair Rachid Alami

discussants Kerstin Fischer, Raul Hakli, Jeffrey Bradshaw








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